ANC accepts collective responsibility for past AIDS policy

Ruling party comment on report that it is planning post-election apology for Mbeki's stance


The African National Congress has noted a media report about purported plans for a "post-election apology" for government's AIDS policies.

The ANC wishes to reiterate the principle that the organisation accepts collective responsibility for all the policies and programme of its government. It accepts collective responsibility for both the achievements and shortcomings of successive ANC administrations since 1994.

The priority for the ANC after the election is to intensify the implementation of the National Strategic Plan 2007-2011 on HIV and AIDS. This will require an all-round effort from all sectors of society in a concerted national effort to overcome this epidemic. It will need to build on the progress already made, while acknowledging and addressing shortcomings.

As the ANC's 2009 manifesto says, the ANC it will work to reduce the rate of new HV infections by half by 2011 through an aggressive prevention campaign. We will work to expand access to appropriate treatment, care and support to at least 80% of all HIV positive people and their families.

The ANC calls on all South Africans to join us in this important task.

Statement issued by African National Congress spokesperson, Jessie Duarte, April 3 2009

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