FF+ elated over Renate Barnard ruling

Anton Alberts says judgment is in interests of all South Africans


"The Freedom Front Plus is elated about the court decision in which it was found that affirmative action is wrongly being enforced in the case of a police officer, Captain Renate Barnard and that she has to be promoted to superintendent. It shows that the government's policy and enforcement of affirmative action is inherently wrong and unlawful, just as we have always argued," Adv. Anton Alberts, parliamentary spokesperson for the FF Plus on Labour reacted. "This is the clearest sign that affirmative action's days are counted and that this policy should finally be brought to an end."

"The FF Plus also congratulates Captain Barnard and the team from Solidarity for their courage and dedication to see the case through to its end for the sake of minorities. The case is also in the interest of all South Africans as it could bring us quicker to a place where people can be appointed on the basis of merits and not skin colour. This would again lead to better service delivery in both the public and private sector," Adv. Alberts said.

"The FF Plus will now also be sending a request to all ministers to fill vacant posts along the guidelines contained in the decision. The first step would be to ask questions of all ministers as to how they would be implementing the decision and the setting up of a monitoring system by the party to force the government to enforce this decision."

Statement issued by Adv. Anton Alberts, FF Plus parliamentary spokesperson Labour, February 26 2010

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