"Cursed by ghost lover!" - Daily Sun

"My love life has been ruined by my past!" - front page lead, March 20 2015

Daily Sun (March 20 2015) - DESPERATE Motshegwa fears she's been cursed to stay single for the rest of her life.

Nearly all her 15 would-be lovers dumped her after the third date.


Motshegwa Mogaoga believes her love troubles were caused by a spell cast on her in the early 2000s by an "unsuitable" lover from Potchefstroom, North West.

She said her friends never understood what she saw in the man. But Motshegwa said she found out later he used muthi on her.

After she dumped him, she thought she had found love with the man who gave her a baby boy.

But trouble began after her child was born. Motshegwa can't say what went wrong, but they had lots of rows and then the baby daddy left.

That was five years ago, and since then Motshegwa hasn't been able to keep a man.

"The first and second dates go well, but when I call the men after the third date, they come up with all kinds of lousy excuses to avoid me," said Motshegwa.

Then they stop taking her calls.

"The longest relationship I have had since 2009 lasted just two weeks," she said sadly.

Six sangomas and prophets she consulted were no help and cost her thousands of rands. But then one prophet came up with an answer.

He said there was a ghostly man next to her who looks like a lover. He's the one chasing men away!

Now it all makes sense to Motshegwa. She believes the problem Potchefstroom lover she dated in the early 2000s sent her this ghost to break up her relationships.

"My friends, family and colleagues never understood why I dated him as he wasn't my type," she said.

"I also couldn't understand why I was with him. I didn't like him." Then she found out about his muthi tricks.

Motshegwa fears she may never marry. "Time is not on my side, but I would like to have more children," she said.

) Sangoma Makhosi Dumezweni Mahabuke of KwaThema, Springs, said: "This dark shadow was passed on to her by a previous lover. She must be cleansed."

Motshegwa says she plans to see Makhosi soon.

See the Daily Sun's new website for more on this and other stories....


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