"Another 800 workers in a Gupta company potentially on the streets" - BizNews

And four other of the top stories on Alec Hogg's business news website, 6 November 2018

JOHANNESBURG – The five best read stories on Alec Hogg’s, 6 November 2018:

1. Another 800 workers in a Gupta company potentially on the streets

2. Investors punish Nigeria for nailing SA telecoms giant MTN

3. SAA tries to justify its existence as Tito turns up the heat

4. Time for Malusi Gigaba to go – FW de Klerk Foundation

5. VBS to cost the fiscus nearly R2 billion as depositors reimbursed is SA's fastest growing business news website. Founded by internet publishing pioneer and broadcaster Alec Hogg, it specialises in providing breaking news and expert opinion on money and investments.

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