BOSA retracts statement made about ANC member Andries Nel

News article it used as reference erroneously said Nel was named in the Zondo Commission Report

BOSA retracts statement made about ANC member Andries Nel

20 May 2024

As part of the party’s election campaign, on Tuesday 14 May 2024, Build One South Africa (BOSA) flighted a billboard in central Johannesburg. The billboard reads “stop sending criminals to Parliament”.

The flighting was accompanied by a press release from the party. A section of said press release stated:

Voters can tell who the ANC really is by those nominated to go to Parliament on their lists. The Zondo Commission Report into State Capture named at least 97 ANC members who – in some way or another – embroiled themselves in nefarious acts against the people of South Africa.

The report fingers – amongst others – Gwede Mantashe, Nomvula Mokonyane, Dudu Myeni, Sfiso Buthelezi, Winnie Ngwenya, Cedric Frolick, Malusi Gigaba, Thabang Makwetla, David Mahlobo, Snuki Zikalala, Bejani Chauke, Andries Nel and Zizi Kodwa. (Emphasis added)

We confirm that the basis on which the press statement made the allegation regarding Mr. Nel was found in an article published in IOL News which is available here.

In a constitutional democracy, it is reasonable to rely on news articles from legitimate and reputable news outlets. However, it transpires that this article was incorrect in naming Mr Andries Nel as being named in the Zondo Commission Report into State Capture.

We confirm that we erroneously relied on this article and therefore formally withdraw this comment and apologise to Mr Nel.

Issued by Roger Solomons, BOSA Acting Spokesperson, 20 May 2024