Kenya: Terrorism is not revolutionary - Julius Malema

EFF leader says there are many alternative ways to pursue a struggle other than outright usage of violence

Terrorism is not Revolutionary; In condemnation of the Terrorist Acts in Kenya

Over the past week, a group of Terrorists held ordinary Kenyans and internationals hostage and killed close to 70 innocent civilians, who are completely not part of the war these Terrorists are fighting. As Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), we condemn the terrorist attacks in Nairobi, which left close to 70 people dead. There are indeed many alternative ways to pursue a struggle other than outright usage of violence which targets innocent civilians, hold them hostage for issues they have no control over and leave them dead. 

EFF does not also support religious fundamentalism, which is the absolute imposition of religious ways of living, politically and socially, against the will of the people. It is in this case practiced by individuals who have no intentions to test whether their religious ideas are accepted by majority in society. Even if they do, religious fundamentalism should not be acceptable in any society as every citizen should be allowed to practice a religion of their own choosing without any threat, imposition and impediments. 

These Terrorists should be hunted down and brought to justice, and all efforts put in place to eliminate any possibility of such callous acts happening again. There is no doubt that these are terrorist formations that have no genuine political and ideological agenda, except imposition of their own religious fundamentalism. 

No one will and no one should support a struggle whose principles include killing innocent civilians for sins they did not commit. This means that even the American and British invasion of countries where they kill civilians in the pretence of searching for Terrorists should be condemned. America or whoever in the world should never be allowed to use violence for whatever political purposes, because forces of reaction learn from them and begin to unleash violence on innocent civilians. 

It must be noted that this terrorism is fundamentally the same terrorism that informs Western imperialist powers when they seek to impose their interests against others. The obsession with might, the idea that might is just. From colonialism, late modern occupation to the wars that were dubbed "wars against terrorism", imperialism has subjected millions into situations of permanent instability. Violence, as we have seen in Afghanistan, and even in the conflict for greater Palestine, does not yield lasting just peace. 

It is this attitude that drives forms of anti-revolutionary violence that we have seen unleashed on innocent Kenyans. On this heritage day, we must remember to pick up those forms of African heritage that emphasize the pursuit of political solutions using progressive anti-terrorist ideological and revolutionary tools with great sensitivity to innocent human life. 

As a generation we are committed to a progressive internationalism, anti imperialist and anti-terrorist pursuit of economic emancipation in our lifetime. 

As EFF we send our condolences to the families and friends of all those who were killed. We stand with them in prayer and wish them strength in this difficult time. 

This article by EFF President and Commander in Chief Julius Malema first in Radical Voice, the online journal of the Economic Freedom Fighters.

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