"The BEE-sting that kills – analysis of a policy gone horribly wrong – Anthea Jeffery" - BizNews

And four other of the top stories on Alec Hogg's business news website, 7 June 2018

JOHANNESBURG – The five best-read stories on Alec Hogg’s Thursday 7 June 2018

1. The BEE-sting that kills – analysis of a policy gone horribly wrong – Anthea Jeffery

2. Here’s what we need to do to fix up South Africa – GIBS’ Marius Oosthuizen

3. SARB’s blockchain test: Typical daily SA interbank settlements done in under 2hrs

4. New data-only mobile offering to Rain on Vodacom/MTN/Cell C parade

5. What we’ll know about Zuptoid State theft and capture by 2020 – a snap audit is SA's fastest growing business news website. Founded by internet publishing pioneer and broadcaster Alec Hogg, it specialises in providing breaking news and expert opinion on money and investments. Biznews can be reached on 021 200 5884

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