3 MF councillors and 150 members cross to DA - Helen Zille

Party leader says Blue Wave continues to grow in KZN, and across SA

The Blue Wave continues to grow in KwaZulu-Natal

5 April 2014

Note to Editors: This is an extract of a speech delivered by DA Leader Helen Zille in Phoenix, Durban today. 

Today I am pleased to welcome three Minority Front councillors and 150 members into the ranks of the Democratic Alliance. We welcome Councillor Bradley Singh, Councillor Ronnie Pillay and Councillor Lyndal Singh with open arms. It is wonderful to have them as part of the DA's blue family - a family that stretches across the country. 

These councillors and the 150 members who have joined the DA today are part of the ever-growing number of South Africans who have never voted DA before, but who are now joining the DA, and voting for us for the first time.  They have come to see the DA as the best hope for the future of South Africa. 

The DA's blue wave is growing in KZN, and across South Africa. 

That is also the reason that the entire DA national leadership is here in KwaZulu-Natal today to campaign door-to-door in Phoenix, Chatsworth, Welbedacht and Wentworth. As we speak, thousands of DA volunteers in every township, village and city in the country are doing the same. They are going door-to-door to speak to voters, to tell them about the DA, to show them what we can go if given the chance to govern, and to ask for their vote. 

Tens of thousands of people are now volunteering for the DA. Over the next 32 days, until voting day, we want to speak to millions of South Africans face to face. We are going to make sure that every single South African knows the choice they face in this election. 

That choice is clear: A party that has failed to lead our economy and create jobs, but which has excelled at corruption and taking money from the poor. Or the DA - a party that is already bringing positive change where we govern, and which is growing the economy and creating jobs and opportunities for all.  

We are working every day, across the country, to build a bright and prosperous future for South Africa - a future in which every person can be included in prosperity, in which every person can have the opportunity to achieve their full potential, and in which people get the respect they deserve from their government. 

We want as many new DA voters as possible to know that there is nothing to fear in voting DA. Everyone should feel free to join us in our mission - We are standing together for change, together for real jobs. 

I want to make it very clear. If the DA is elected to national government, we will set about getting the economy to grow fast enough to create 6 million REAL jobs. We will put a stop to corruption and politicians spending millions on making themselves rich. We will ensure that every young South African who qualifies, has funding to attend university. 

What we will never, ever do, is take away peoples social grants or their houses. This is the lie that the ANC tells to scare people away from the DA. It is a lie!

We will only work to expand opportunities, grow the economy to create jobs for more people, fix the schools for our children, deliver basic services better, and stop the corruption that steals money straight from the pockets of the poorest people. 

That is the DA's vision, and everyone is invited. 

Today, Councillors Singh, Pillay and Singh and many members of this community have answered that invitation by joining the DA. Many more people have already done so around South Africa - And this is still only the beginning. 

Stand with the DA on 7 May. Let's change South Africa together! 

Together for Change, Together for Jobs. 

Issued by the DA April 5 2014

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