ANC WCape concerned over 'Dubulibunu' judgement

Marius Fransman says court did not give enough weighting to the history of the song

ANC deeply concerned at judgement against song

The Western Cape ANC is deeply concerned as it notes the finding against a struggle song ‘Dubulibunu'.

"The ANC in the province will also study the ruling by judge Collins Lamont, mindful of our duty to protect our courts and the independence of our judiciary," says Western Cape ANC leader Marius Fransman.

"A judgement as far reaching as this one, must also be practically implementable. If a community does not adhere to it or finds it difficult to implement such decisions, it undermines the very court that made that finding.

"The fact that the court in our national heritage month did not recognise the historic use of such a song and possibly did not give enough weight to where the people historically came from that sing it, is part of the concern the ANC has. Judgements that are designed to be difficult to implement should rather be avoided, the ANC contends.

"Our judicial system is such that if we personally may not like a judgement for good reasons, it is reviewable and appealable. We will support efforts within the legal process to do this within our rights - as the national ANC has indicated.

"The ANC has a rich history of struggle songs that is part of the movement's cultural memory and it is practise to sing and dance to it at various gatherings" says Deputy Minister of International Relations and Co-operation Fransman.

Statement issued by Marius Fransman, ANC Western Cape provincial leader, September 14 2011

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