ANCYL march delayed due to transport problems

League says it is satisfied it has reached its targeted number of 5,000+


The ANC Youth League Economic Freedom Mass Action will proceed from Beyers Naude Square in Johannesburg from 12H00. With the number of taxies that have arrived the ANC Youth League is satisfied that it has reached its targeted number of +- 5000 people and many more are still arriving. The delays happened due to the fact that thousands of our people were not yet picked up by taxis all over the country, particularly in Gauteng .The challenge of transport delays is being resolved and people are on their way to Beyers Naude Square in Johannesburg.

Many young people have displayed their commitment to the Economic Freedom Mass Action by coming to the mass action through their own means and the taxis provided. We have received unbelievable inquiries from thousands young people across the country inquiring about transport. Thousands of young people are waiting in train stations, bus terminals and pick-up points across the country, patiently waiting for transport to take them to the Mass Action.

We have also received messages of support from all over Africa and the world telling us to soldier on the struggle for economic freedom as they believe the economic liberation of majority of South Africans is directly linked to African continent economic liberation.

The demands for economic freedom in our lifetime and the memorandums to the Chamber of Mines and Johannesburg Stock of Exchange will be released to members of the media and public immediately after handover.

Statement issued the ANC Youth League, October 27 2011

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