Deputy speaker wrong to silence George - FF+

But, Corné Mulder says, DA and COPE should not have staged walk out


The FF Plus did not agree with the honourable Deputy Speaker's decision that the remark of Mr. Muleleki George of Cope was unparliamentarily and should therefore be withdrawn by him. Freedom of speech and members of Parliament's rights to state their views without prejudice is a basic fundamental right which lies close to the heart of our democracy.

The entrenched practice for many years in Parliament has been that if a speaker makes an unparliamentary comment which reflects on the integrity of another speaker, he/she is forced to withdraw it. In contrast any member is free to sharply criticise the policy or decisions of a political party and it is his/her full right to do so.

The FF Plus is of the opinion that Mr. George did not refer to any specific member, but to the general political direction in which South Africa is moving. The FF Plus was however furthermore of the opinion that this issue should be rectified in a suitable way. It should be done by taking the issue to the Parliament's Rules Committee, which deals with these issues.

Emotional walking out of the Assembly such as was done by Cope and the DA this afternoon, does not help in this regard at all. Such a departure from the Assembly strengthens the ANC's view that it as a singular party can decide about the functioning of the democracy in South Africa . It dare not be allowed.

Statement issued by Dr. Corné Mulder, Freedom Front Plus Chief Whip, February 16 2010

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