Gauteng toll roads shoddy and incomplete - Neil Campbell

DA MPL says on N1 road "shovelling" persists with lane markings becoming more warped by day


Tolls are due to start on Gauteng highways on 30 April, but large sections of the "upgraded" roads to be tolled are shoddy and incomplete.  

The N12 is incomplete and motorists making use of this road have had to endure years of travelling on dangerously uneven roads, inadequately marked concrete medians suddenly looming before them and poor signage. As there is a tar shortage it will be a race against time to complete this road by the end of April.

On the N1 the road ‘shovelling' persists with lane markings becoming more warped by the day. This is apparently due to poor bonding between the underlying concrete and new tarmac. SANRAL stated that this problem was minor and would be corrected by the responsible contractor but this has not happened.

The safety of the whole upgrade over concrete is thus in doubt and yet we are required to pay for roads which may be hazardous.

Every day upgraded lanes which had been open to traffic are closed down again while workers engage in remedial activities such as drainage correction, verge collapse and inadequate safety barriers.

It is hugely arrogant to initiate toll collection while such problems persist.

This is another reason why the public resists these unjust tolls which are certainly an unjust tax on Gauteng motorists following the announcement that all other urban tolls around the country have been cancelled.

Statement issued by Dr. Neil Campbell MPL, DA Gauteng Roads and Transport spokesman, March 18 2012

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