Grade 12 physical exam paper faulty - AfriForum

Carien Bloem requests universities to take this into account when considering preliminary applications for study in 2016

AfriForum wants to prevent Grade 11 final exam paper of 2014 from jeopardising the dreams of learners

17 February 2015

The civil rights organisation AfriForum submitted a request to all universities across the country to take the Gr 11 June exam results of this year's Gr 12 learners into consideration when applying for studies in 2016.

This request follows after more than 27% of the content in the Gr 12 Physical Science Final Exam paper of 2014 was faulty, with the result that learners' marks in the subject as well as their average marks declined drastically. Some even failed the subject due to the faulty exam. This could especially influence the chances of this year's matric students when they apply for veterinary studies, occupational therapy and dietetics as well as medical or engineering studies with these marks.

"It is practice that matric learners submit their Gr 11 final exam marks when applying for university studies. AfriForum already submitted a complaint at the Department of Education last year, but never received any feedback," said Carien Bloem, Head of Education Campaigns at AfriForum.

AfriForum submitted a second letter to the department, requesting a swift response as well as an action plan on how to resolve the problem and how to prevent the same problem from occurring again in the future.

"We further ask that universities stress their concern about the situation, it's repercussions as well as how it's currently being handled by the Department of Education," Bloem said.

Statement issued by Carien Bloem, Head: Education Campaigns, AfriForum, February 17 2015

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