Hooligans at varsities must fall! - COPE

Ignore Zuma and listen to Aristotle, party urges


At this time of intense and widespread student unrest, Congress of the People would like to recall the words of the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, who stated, "All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth."

The future of South Africa is very definitely dependent on the education of our youth. Even though President Zuma deeply loathes “clever blacks’, society must take a progressive view on that matter and give support to free higher education for those who are capable but financially constrained. Our very future depends on our having young people who are highly educated.

The hallmarks of a good education are a cultivated mind (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ). University students who rampage and resort to vandalism, arson and looting certainly disqualify themselves as educated people on both counts. Society should have no sympathy for those who lack both IQ and EQ and wantonly cause damage.

Every student who seeks admittance to a university should solemnly declare under his / her signature never to resort to violence, rampage, arson, looting and vandalism under any circumstance. Those who fail to uphold that solemn commitment must have their names entered in a register and denied further registration in all institutions of higher learning.

The majority of students who conducted themselves becomingly and intelligently achieved their objectives admirably by acting in solidarity with one another. University students, more than anyone else in society, must indeed become fitting role models to all protesters in South Africa.  

Students who destroyed property and acted illegally, shamed all of us. Universities must prosecute them and fellow students must disown them. NSFAS must bar such hooligans from any financial support. Let our nation support those students who are capable and law abiding because it is they who will provide us with progressive and ethical leadership in all spheres of activity.

Hooligans at varsities must fall!

Issued by Dennis Bloem, COPE Spokesperson, 2 November 2015