Manyi wrong about editors "censoring" govt info - SANEF

Forum calls on cabinet spokesperson to back up his claims with examples

Sanef takes strong exception to accusations that editors "censor" government information

The SA National Editors' Forum takes strong exception to accusations by Government spokesman Jimmy Manyi that editors "censor" government information. He has given this as a reason for launching a monthly government newspaper with the ultimate aim of turning it into a daily to enable government information to be published.

Newspapers quite rightly do not see their role as publishers of all information produced by the government. They do, however, take great care to ensure that they publish important information supplied by the government or information about the government and its activities in the public interest.

Manyi has given no example of "censored" information in his broad generalised accusation against the press. Sanef regards this as a serious omission in light of the important charges he has levelled against newspapers and requests Manyi to supply examples forthwith.

Statement issued by SANEF, March 31 2011

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