Minister Peters needs to avoid derailment of job opportunities – Manny de Freitas

DA asks for answers about failing Metrorail and what plans are in the pipeline to fix problems

Metrorail: Minister Peters needs to avoid derailment of job opportunities 

20 April 2016

The Minister of Transport,  Dipuo Peters, must immediately provide answers to the countless South Africans who have suffered due to Metrorail operations coming to a halt repeatedly this week and have resulted in either protracted delays, complete stoppages and arson attacks. If this is to be avoided, Minister Peters must take decisive action and she must do so with haste. The simple fact is that jobs and livelihoods are at risk if she does not spring to action. 

I will be writing to both Minister Peters and Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) CEO, Nathi Khena, under whom Metrorail falls, urging them to provide a detailed explanation as to why Metrorail operations are in shambles and to provide an incisive remedial plan that seeks to put an end to further delays and stoppages. 

Considering that South Africa is a country with high unemployment rates and few work opportunities; this is simply not acceptable. If South Africans cannot attend work they face being fired and losing their entire livelihoods. 

It is not enough for Minister Peters to condemn these acts of arson. She and Mr Khena, must apply their minds to present and table a decisive plan of action on how to mitigate any further damage to state property that cripples the ability of so many South Africans to get to work on time. 

While we do not condone violence of any form, it is critical that all stakeholders engage to resolve the tension as soon as possible so that these delays are mitigated and train commuters can get to work on time and not run the risk of losing their jobs. 

The longer the Minister is missing in action, the more South Africans will suffer and this will have perverse effects on the already depressed economy. 

The DA will not allow government executives to show inaction whilst our communities suffer without reliable public transport. We believe that public transport should never be mismanaged or neglected to a point where workers cannot attend work and we will ensure government and its agencies are held accountable. 

Issued by Manny de Freitas, DA Shadow Minister of Transport, 20 April 2016