NPA deservedly slapped in the face – COPE

Party says time of court and scarce national resources were wasted in trying to complicate the obvious

NPA deservedly slapped in the face

24 June 2016

Only Mr Zuma and the National Prosecution Authority naively and arrogantly believed that they would be granted leave to appeal the High Court ruling regarding the reinstatement of charges against Zuma. In April, the North Gauteng High court ruled that the prosecuting authority's decision to drop corruption charges against Zuma was irrational.

Common sense made it clear that the decision was indeed irrational. We knew that it was irrational. Three quarters of the country knew it was irrational. Even so, the time of the court and scarce national resources where wasted in trying to make the obvious convoluted and complicated. The obvious has prevailed.

Judge Aubrey Ledwaba and the full bench of the court found that another court would find it difficult to conclude differently. Indeed. We agree with that. Now both Zuma and the NPA have been slapped on their faces. Their delaying tactics have got them nowhere. Today, they are the laughing stocks of the nation!

The NPA’s argument that the judgment of April would have profound implications for its independence is irrational, disingenuous and utterly hollow. Its independence does not exist outside of the Constitution. Its independence is a product of the Constitution and it is within that context that it must exercise its independence. Bending over backwards is commendable for a gymnast, it is despicable when that bending backwards is to protect a political elite.

Now that the NPA has been stung in open court, it is important for it to get on with prosecuting the charges against Mr Zuma. Let him have his day in court. If he is innocent, as he claims, let him prove that in open court.

Mr Zuma has wasted millions on legal fees to the detriment of the poor in our country. Let him not waste another cent. He must man up and face the judges in open court.

The NPA has deservedly received a slap in the face.

Issued by Dennis Bloem, COPE spokesperson, 24 June 2016