Nzimande is back in hiding – Belinda Bozzoli

Minister remains a man without a plan on higher education, says party

Blade Nzimande is hiding again

29 October 2015

The Minister of Higher Education, Blade Nzimande’s cancellation of his briefing – scheduled for today - on where the extra R2.7 billion needed to address the higher education funding would be sourced, is a demonstration of sheer disinterest and skewed priorities.

The Minister has again not delivered on a commitment to South African students. This will create more uncertainty and increase frustration across South Africa. Students have every reason to be upset. 

We urge the Minister to re-schedule his briefing and to explain to South Africa – as a matter of urgency – what his plan is to address the funding shortfall at Universities. 

The 0% fee increase, which was agreed to last week, must be funded within the current budget. If this does not happen, Universities will be forced to make cuts, that will result in job losses, undermine the quality of the education, and prevent innovative research which our economy so desperately needs. 

This is no joking matter. It requires bold leadership, and a commitment to re-prioritise the money now, rather than later. That is why the DA has made clear proposals to the Appropriations Committee on money that could be used – within the existing budget. This includes the re-allocating the R2 billion profit made from the sale of Vodacom shares to higher education immediately.

The Minister, on the other hand, seems determined to continue with his “crisis, what crisis approach”. To date, he has:

-Sat on three different reports warning of the funding crisis, without taking the necessary steps to deal with the problem;

-Brought no ‘intervention plan’ to the Portfolio Committee, despite being summoned to Parliament to do so;

-Irresponsibly implied that his Department would try and raid the Basic Education Budget, which would only create a new education crisis in South Africa; and

-Blamed everyone but his own government for the chronic underfunding of higher education, including launching an attack on the institutional autonomy of Universities.

Nzimande remains a man without a plan on higher education. This needs to change, and soon, if young South Africans are to be equipped to pursue a better future.

Statement issued by Prof Belinda Bozzoli MP, DA Shadow Minister of Higher Education, 29 October 2015