Panel appointed to shortlist candidate for SARS Commissioner - Treasury

Trevor Manual the chairperson, Angela Bester, Dennis David, Ismail Momoniat among those to serve with him


The Minister of Finance, Mr Tito Mboweni, has appointed a panel to interview and recommend to the President of the Republic of South Africa a shortlist of candidates for the position of the Commissioner of the South African Revenue Service (SARS).

In terms of section 6 of the SARS Act, 1997 (as amended), the President appoints the SARS Commissioner. The Minister of Finance is overseeing the initial steps of the appointment process, and will submit the panel’s recommendations to the President for his consideration.

The panel is made up of:

Mr Trevor Manuel (Chairperson);

Ms Angela Bester;

Justice Dennis Davis;

Ms Sindi Mabaso-Koyana;

Mr Ismail Momoniat;

Adv Thandi Orleyn; and

Mr Fezekile Tshiqi

The process for the appointment of SARS Commissioner takes into account the recommendations made by the Commission of Inquiry into Tax Administration and Governance by the SARS (see point 40 on pages 186-187 and point 16.3 on pages 197-198). The Commission was chaired by Judge Nugent.

The Commission recommended the appointment of persons to a selection panel who “…should be apolitical and not answerable to any constituency, and should be persons of high standing who are able to inspire confidence across the tax-paying spectrum.” The Commission also proposed criteria against which shortlisted candidates should be evaluated for suitability.

The Panel has already commenced its work, and is expected to complete its process in the next few weeks.

Issued by Ministry of Finance, 7 February 2019