SACP supports appeal against Walmart merger

Party says approval of acquisition of Massmart was a mistake


The SACP fully supports the actions of the Ministers to appeal the approval of the acquisition of Massmart by Wallmart. The SACP is of the view that the approval of the acquisition was in the first place a mistake given the terrible record of  Wallmart with workers rights and their anti union stance and the negative impact they have on local economic activity.

As part and parcel of our struggle for national determination and sovereignty is our right as a country to prioritise our national developmental needs whilst at the same time accepting and realising that we live in a global world. It cannot be that only provisions of foreign direct investments and wanting to look good in front of the international community at the expense of our developmental objectives are emphasizes at the expense of our people.

The apologists of a neo-liberal paradigm are accusing our government of acting recklessly when government takes measures to protect the most vulnerable. Implied here is that our government should never intervene and act on behalf of the vulnerable and all that is required is perpetually sacrifice workers at the altar of multinationals. The SACP rejects this form of blackmail to force government to only act on behalf of big business.

Statement issued by the SACP, July 25 2011

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