SANRAL spends R87.1m trying to put lipstick on a pig - Ian Ollis

DA MP says Agency's e-toll advertising campaign is not going to fool the public

E-toll propaganda costing millions

As a result of e-tolls propaganda, South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) spending on advertising has increased by almost 200% in the last two years, a reply to a DA parliamentary question has revealed. SANRAL's expenditure on advertising increased from R30.4 million in 2010/11, to R84.5 million in 2011/12 and R87.1 million in 2012/13.

The reply is a clear indication that in the last two years, and since the announcement of e-tolling, SANRAL has changed its advertising patterns from awareness campaigns in 2010/11 to mass e-toll propaganda in both 2011/12 and 2012/13 on television, radio and print media. 

Full page and half page advertisements have appeared in most national newspapers, falsely arguing against alternative funding mechanisms for road maintenance and infrastructure, such as a fuel levy. 

The DA will submit follow-up parliamentary questions demanding an exact cost breakdown of SANRAL's expenditure on advertising since the 2010/11 financial year.

The public must not be fooled by SANRAL's tacky spin. 

As evidenced by the Portuguese example, e-tolls do not work and they do not create funding for road maintenance. All e-tolling does is create a massive administrative burden, undermine economic growth, hurt the poor, and ultimately result in job losses.

The DA will continue to fight against unnecessary toll roads - where we govern now and where are elected to govern in 2014.

Statement issued by Ian Ollis MP, DA Shadow Minister of Transport, July 4 2013

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