Wrestle for mayoral power makes a mockery of City Council – ANC WCape

Party says it will be contrived and foolish to strip Patricia de Lille of her powers

DA Caucus wrestle for Mayoral power makes a mockery of the City Council

2 June 2018

ANC is incensed by DA Caucus's juvenile 'hand recoiling from the proverbial hot plate' reality check in dealing with Mayoral powers. Every single councillor in the City Council who is not DA (and many sober minded DA Councillors) told the DA Caucus how ill contrived and foolish it would be to strip the Mayor of her powers and render her ceremonial. 

ANC wants to make it clear to the corrosively ambitious DAs Deputy Caucus leader JP Smith and the entire DA caucus that it is not the council that 'overreached to curtail Mayors powers' but the DA caucus using its majority status to rubber stamp its bad decisions through council.

The ANC thanks the countries courts for once again holding the line and sending shivers down the DA' spine, halting what has been technically a coup right infront of us. This change of heart to return some of the Mayors powers is due to the possible court challenges. Cape Town Metro has found itself at the mercy of an outside cabal that controls the DA, driving their Caucus to shere madness, making irrational and illegal decisions in the process.

We encourage the Mayor, for the sake of the office and its future, to continue to take DA's decisions for judicial review and not depend on DA's new found light.

The ANC wants the stability of the City of Cape Town municipality restored as soon as is possible. 

Issued by Faiez Jacobs, Provincial Secretary, ANC Western Cape, 2 June 2018