City of Joburg weighed down by corruption - SAMWU

Union says latest allegation of tender rigging in City Parks are no surprise

SAMWU has not been surprised by city parks shameful corruption

As SAMWU we have not been surprised by the recent allegations in the media against the Johannesburg City Parks department of the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, its managing director Luther Williamson and the Johannesburg City Park board of directors (see Times report). The recent allegations in the media revealed in a forensic report have exposed that City Parks has awarded multi million rand tenders to companies owned by friends of the departments managing director.

This horrendous tender corruption has cost the Municipality more than R117 million and has also cost many innocent workers their livelihood, as they were unceremoniously fired to keep this treacherous behaviour a veil of secrecy.

SAMWU has been trying tirelessly to get a hold of this forensic report, it's been more than 4 months that we have been requesting the damning report from the Mayor but he has deliberately ignored our numerous requests. We would also like to inform the public that we have reliably learned that the corruption which was uncovered is not an isolated incident. The City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality is weighed down with corruption in many of its departments.

Our members are being suspended and fired on an ongoing basis for blowing the whistle on corruption in the Municipality, in various departments of the Municipality our members are frequently faced with harassment, were they are being unlawfully charged and dismissed by the same managers who are themselves corrupt to the core. As SAMWU we slam this kind of devious behaviour by the Municipality against our members. 

It was our members who blew the whistle that sparked the forensic investigation of the Johannesburg City Parks department. We further believe that there are also politicians involved in this multi million rand scam.

The SAMWU Gauteng Provincial Chairperson Enock Sibiya says " It is now time we take action, we calling for the immediate suspension of all those who are involved in the alleged corruption, action must be taken against the City Manager immediately for not acting appropriately after receiving the forensic report. If this issue is not resolved we will mobilize our members and take to the streets to protect our members and root out the corruption in local government."

For further comment contact the SAMWU Gauteng provincial chairperson Enock Sibiya on 011 331 3011 or 0825593884

Statement issued by Tahir Sema, South African Municipal Workers' Union spokesperson, February 15 2010

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