Resolution to close the Israeli Embassy welcomed – EFF

From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free!, say Fighters

EFF welcomes the resolution by the Parliament of South Africa to close the Israeli Embassy

21 November 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) welcomes the resolution of the Parliament of South Africa to close the Israeli Embassy in South Africa, in light of the continued annexation of Palestinian land, killing of women and children in Gaza, construction of settler-houses on Palestinian land, land dispossession and bombing of hospitals in Gaza, all by Apartheid-Israel.

In a historic and commendable moment of humanity and solidarity, the National Assembly of the Parliament of South Africa came together in its majority, representative of the democratic will of the people of South Africa in their majority, and pledged its solidarity to the people of Palestine who are currently experiencing an ethnic cleansing and genocide at the hands of the terrorist state of Israel.

The motion to close the Israeli Embassy, which was proposed by the Commander In Chief and President of the EFF on the 16th of November 2023 and debated, was today adopted through a majority vote in the Parliament of South Africa. The motion was supported by the African National Congress (ANC), the National Freedom Party (NFP), Al-Jamah, the African Transformation Movement (ATM), the Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC).

A total of 248 members of Parliament voted in favour of the motion against a measly 91 who voted against.

The motion, which has passed in its majority sought to amongst others;

a) condemn the killing of defenseless women and children in Gaza including the bombing of hospitals

b) call on all freedom loving people of the world to support the Palestinian campaign to take back their land in all of its manifestations

c) call upon the government to close the Israeli Embassy in South Africa until a ceasefire is agreed to by Israel and that Israel commit to binding United Nations facilitated negotiations whose outcome must be just, sustainable and lasting peace

The EFF wishes to commend the ANC, for not allowing itself to be manipulated by right-wing forces in Parliament, who sought to entrench divisions on a matter of humanitarian concern, and sought to divide us on pledging solidarity with Palestine, with whom we share a history of blood, conquest and land dispossession.

The people of Palestine have suffered immeasurable pain and suffering due to the violence of Apartheid Israel for more than 75-years. Israel is established on the vicious and racist Zionist ideology, that has established itself on the misguided notion of ethnic-superiority, at the expense of native Palestinian people.

It is on this basis, that over the past two-months, we have witnessed over 11 000 Palestinians massacred, in an unprecedented military bombardment of unarmed, innocent and helpless civilians in the whole of human history.

In this inhuman bombardment, the Israeli Defence Force has murdered 4,650 children, 3,145 women, 198 medics, 22 civil defence personnel and 51 journalists

Reports have also indicated that 29,200 Palestinians in Gaza are injured.

Above all at least 3,600 people remain unaccounted for, a number which includes over 1,755 children.

In the devastation of buildings and landscapes, apartheid Israeli aggression has forced 25 hospitals and 52 health care centres out of service, while 55 ambulances were targeted by Israeli forces.

This should tell us, in no equivocal terms, that Israel is in a war against children, hospitals, ambulances, journalists, in a general campaign to wipe Palestine off the face of the earth.

As South Africans, we know this violence too well, and the resolution to close the Israeli Embassy until they cease their ethnic cleansing is long overdue.

The South African democracy is a product of international solidarity, as we have suffered what the people of Palestine have suffered. We as South Africans know what it means to be segregated, to have our land dispossessed, to be denied quality healthcare, education and freedom of movement, at the hands of a regime that considered itself superior on the basis of their identity.

We as South Africans know the pain of the murder of children, the illegal detention of freedom fighters and the abuse of women and the discrimination against a race of people, because a regime has presupposed its superiority and has utilized its military and economic strength to sustain the subjugation of people The late stalwarts of our liberation struggle are proud today, as our nation has come together, and fulfilled what they fought for, and understood that our freedom is meaningless as long as there are others who are oppressed in the world. We call on the rest of Africa to come together, and recall our continents history of violent colonization and recognize that the people of Palestine need our support.

Israel is now on notice, and any entity in South Africa, be it commercial or in the basic education or tertiary sector must know that South Africa has cut diplomatic ties with Apartheid-Israel, and they ought to follow that humanitarian resolution.

Israel must stop its annexation of Palestinian land and ceasefire now! We call on all the progressive world to unite behind Palestine, and isolate Apartheid-Israel, and place themselves on the right side of history.

From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free!

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 22 November 2023