UN must send monitors to Zimbabwe – EU/US

Text of US – EU Summit Declaration on Zimbabwe June 10 2008.

We call on the government of Zimbabwe immediately to cease the state-sponsored violence and intimidation against its people that has occurred since the March 29 presidential and parliamentary elections and which is so hostile to the tenets of democracy and human rights, and we strongly back the efforts of African leaders to bring about an expeditious resolution to this crisis. We urge the United Nations Secretary-General to send a team immediately to monitor human rights and to deter further abuses. The announced second round of presidential elections on June 27 presents the opportunity for the Zimbabwean people to express freely and democratically their will, opening the way for delivering political stability to the country. A free and fair presidential runoff is critical to the resolution of the ongoing crisis.

This is an extract from the 2008 US - EU Summit Declaration issued by the Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, Washington, June 10 2008