"Save me from my belly!" - Daily Sun

"Tolo: After eating a mountain of meat, I'm STILL hungry!" - front page lead, November 4 2014

Daily Sun (November 4 2014) - HE HAS cake and biscuits for breakfast, and a whole chicken, chips and bread rolls for lunch. Dinner is a mountain of red meat with pap or rice.


"I feel hungry again just a few minutes 
after I finish a meal," a desperate Tolo Mosoeu (36) told Daily Sun.

The big man, from Protea North in Soweto, weighs just under 140kg.

"My stomach is heavy, like there is a stone inside," he said.

"It worries me, because it grows bigger every day.

"I just can't stop eating. It's easy for me to have lunch with five different families in one day."

Tolo doesn't drink water, and washes down each of his massive meals with a 
2 litre bottle of Coke.

He said his troubles started 16 years ago.

"I've been to doctors and dieticians, but they didn't tell me what's wrong with me," Tolo said.

"They just gave me pills to lose weight. But when I take them I pass out!

"It's very embarrassing, because when I faint I pee my pants in front of my colleagues at the government department where I work," he said.

"I've been to many hospitals, but none of them could help me.

"I know I love eating meat, but my stomach keeps on asking for more. I also love having potatoes and apples.

"After eating a whole plate of red meat it feels like I've eaten nothing at all.

"When I eat chicken I make sure to finish the whole bird by myself, and even after that, I still crave more."

Tolo said he used to go to the gym, but exercise didn't help.

"It feels like there's something moving in my stomach, and it's very uncomfortable," he said.

It's not just Tolo's stomach that's a victim of his unending hunger.

His 4-5 has also stopped working, and his girlfriend dumped him in 2012.

Since then, he's had no luck finding women.

Dietician Lila Bruk told the People's Paper that Tolo needs to see a doctor.

"His problem could be caused by many things, so he needs to seek serious medical attention," she said.

See the Daily Sun mobi site for more on this and other stories....


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