ANC calls for will of people to be respected in Zimbabwe

Statement issued by African National Congress April 2 2008.


The African National Congress once again extends best wishes to the people of Zimbabwe on the occasion of the country's recent elections. It commends the country's voters for turning out in significant numbers to exercise their democratic right to choose their leaders at all levels.

The ANC notes that Zimbabwe has consistently upheld its constitution by regularly holding elections as required, without fail. Where people have shown dissatisfaction with the conduct of previous elections, they have pursued their concerns within the law and according to the constitution.

Whatever the results of this election, the will of the people should be respected.

The ANC calls on all Zimbabweans, including all institutions of state, to respect the outcome of the election, and to work together with the government of the day to earnestly address the challenges the country faces.

Statement issued by the ANC April 2 2008