Only R166 198 to combat drugs and gangsterism – DA NWest

Party says R175 million has been allocated to frivolous meetings, parties and events

Only R166 198 to combat drugs and gangsterism in the North West

11 May 2017

The North West Department of Social Development has allocated a mere R166 198 this year to its research unit that is tasked with generating information needed to combat drugs and gangsterism.

We call on the Acting MEC for Social Development, Fenny Gaolaolwe, to reprioritise her budget and allocate more money to a function that informs the Province’s response to drugs and gangster-related crime.

In order to effectively carry out this function, R166 198 is simply not enough.

While just R166 198 has been allocated to fighting drugs and gangs, R175 million has been allocated to frivolous meetings, parties and events using advocacy programmes and provision of stimulation as a disguise. The Acting MEC needs to reprioritise her budget and undo this ridiculous incongruence.

The Provincial Government has a responsibility to assist young people battling with substance abuse to improve their lives. Yet, for the Acting MEC, this seems to be a non-priority, and further evidence that the lives of vulnerable young people do not matter to the ANC government.

The DA believes that we cannot fight drugs and gangsterism-related crimes if we do not know the extent of the problem. Which is why it is vital to have a fully funded and functional research unit that will provide evidence-based information to contribute to any intervention by the Provincial government and Police.

Issued by Tutu Faleni, DA North West Spokesperson for Social Development, 11 May 2017