Only the registered can rescue Gauteng
14 July 2023
On Tuesday in Gauteng, I kicked off my countrywide tour to encourage all South Africans to register to vote in next year’s general election. It seemed right to start this tour in Soweto, a place deeply embedded in the history of South Africa, where so many lived who fought for, and won, the vote for all the people of this country.
Those who fought so hard and sacrificed so much for the right to vote did so knowing that voting is the easiest and most peaceful way to install a better government – one committed to working for all the people of South Africa, not just some of them.
At the registration rally, I made the point that we owe it to those struggle heroes – but more than that, we owe it to ourselves – to use our vote to install a new government that can rescue Gauteng and South Africa. A government that can grow the economy for jobs, keep the lights on, and keep people safe.