50/100 points should be allocated for BBBEE compliance - BMF

Tembakazi Mnyaka says the current regulations on preferential procurement do not go far enough

Preferential Procurement Policy Framework regulations and support to Department of Mines' position on transformation

The Black Management Forum has made a submission on the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Regulations through BUSA as a member organisation.  "The BMF is dissatisfied with the PPPF Act and calls for its total overhaul or repeal and replacement by the Procurement BBBEE Codes of good practice", said Tembakazi Mnyaka , the BMF Deputy President.  The overhaul suggested by the BMF includes the following provisions, "50 of the 100 points be allocated to BBBEE compliance, a minimum level 4 contributor for Public Service compliance, remove all thresholds irrespective of value, implement 30% set- aside on government procurement and include a mandatory audit by the Auditor General of Public Sector BBBEE compliance", continued Mnyaka.

The BMF continued to emphasize its concern about failure by many companies to meet their transformation targets.  The organisation threw its weight and support behind the Department of Mines' confirmation of the 26% target in the mining industry as well as the new targets set for training.  "We support Minister Shabangu's efforts in transforming the mining industry and believe that the new mining declaration signed, will go a long way in getting South Africa closer to the levels of transformation required", emphasized Tembakazi Mnyaka .  Mnyaka continued to say that "The BMF hopes that cabinet will look favourable to the new strategy to be tabled there by the Minister".

Statement issued by the Black Management Forum, July 8 2010

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