AgriSA welcomes Mildred Oliphant's clarification

Union says minister's view that time limes be adhered to and violence not tolerated shows leadership


Agri SA welcomes Minister Mildred Oliphant's clarification of the legal process that applies to the review of agriculture's sectoral determination, of which minimum wages are an important element. It was clear from the outset that 4 December 2012, put forward by certain individuals and groups for the completion of a review of the determination, was both illegal and unattainable.

Her view that legal processes and time lines should be adhered to and that violence and criminal behaviour will not be tolerated, show leadership that should be welcomed, given prevailing circumstances. Agri SA will nevertheless participate with the necessary diligence and urgency in the review process by submitting appropriate inputs to the Employment Conditions Commission for consideration by the minister.

Statement issued by Agri SA, November 28 2012

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