ANC abuses DCJ Mandisa Maya's image – Glynnis Breytenbach

DA MP calls for judiciary protection, says an apology alone cannot erase the damaged caused

DA condemns ANC's abuse of Deputy Chief Justice Maya's image - calls for judiciary protection

18 November 2023

The DA observed in horror the incident today where an image of the Deputy Chief Justice, Justice Mandisa Maya, was used inappropriately in a poster circulating on social media. The poster, depicting the Deputy Chief Justice in her official Constitutional Court robe, accompanies a call for South Africans to register to vote for the ANC.

While the ANC has issued an apology for this egregious misuse of the Deputy Chief Justice's image, it is essential to emphasise that an apology alone cannot erase the severe damage caused by such actions. The ANC's blatant disregard for the independence and credibility of the judiciary is a matter of great concern.

The DA calls on the ANC to demonstrate maturity and emotional intelligence in their production of marketing material. Exploiting the image of one of the most senior office-bearers in South Africa for political gain is not only disrespectful to the Deputy Chief Justice personally but also poses a significant threat to the overall credibility of the Judiciary.

We commend Deputy Chief Justice Mandisa Maya for promptly disavowing any authorisation or awareness of the use of her image in this inappropriate context. It is crucial that public figures, especially those holding high judicial offices, are protected from unwarranted political exploitation.

The ANC must be held accountable for this abusive use of the Deputy Chief Justice's image and their disregard for the credibility of the Judiciary as a whole. The DA condemns this incident in the strongest possible terms and calls for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the creation and dissemination of this offensive poster.

The democratic principles that underpin our nation require us to protect the independence and integrity of our judiciary, and any attempts to undermine it must be met with swift and unequivocal condemnation.

Issued by Glynnis Breytenbach, DA Shadow Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, 18 November 2023