'ANC NEC must resign' poster not ours - ANCYL NTT

Task team calls on organisers of night vigil to desist from using League's name and logo


The ANCYL NYTT has been made aware of a poster with ANCYL logos, circulating on social media advocating for the resignation of the ANC NEC. The poster furthermore encourages young people to gather outside the Johannesburg City Hall on 13 May 2021 for a picket and night vigil outside Luthuli house.

The ANCYL NYTT would like to distance the organization from the poster and the events holistically. No structures of ANCYL have been instructed to act or speak on the current developments in the ANC, ANCYL structures are encouraged to report individuals that utilize the name of the ANCYL for factional agendas.

The organizers are advised to desist from utilizing the name and the logos of the ANCYL to further their own personalized factional and narrow agenda's.

The ANCYL NYTT has observed a trend by the various groupings utilizing the logo and name of the ANCYL to pursue their own agendas.

In the recent past, a group of individuals called the "Crisis Committee" continuously utilized the name and logo of the ANCYL to run agenda's that were incongruent with the political mandate of the structures of the ANCYL which existed at the time.

The ANCYL NYTT acknowledges that dissent is a fundamental tenet of democracy; however dissent must be filtered through organizational structures and platforms as envisioned in our founding documents and constitution. In the Western Cape there have been reports of an NGO/NPO utilizing the logo of the ANCYL to promote programs which do not involve the organization.

In the Free State individuals masquerading as a PTT of ANCYL wrote statements and conducted media interviews spreading lies and propaganda denting the image of the ANCYL.

The ANCYL NYTT has furthermore noted a trend of members, individuals and leaders of the ANCYL who convene their private event such as parties and create posters utilizing the ANCYL logo. The ANCYL NYTT has identified a trend of institutionalized parallelism by groups and individuals, which feel entitled to use the logo of ANCYL as a vehicle for their personal upward mobility simply because they signed a membership form or identify themselves as young people.

The abovementioned behavior is not novel; however its occurrence has increased significantly in the recent past. It must be understood that the name and logo of the ANCYL must only be utilized by bona fide structures of the organizations in the pursuit of the objectives of the organization, ANCYL members are encouraged to defend the image, name and logos of our gallant movement jealously against those who seek to misuse it.

Media houses are advised to contact the ANCYL NYTT in order to ascertain authenticity of the structures that individuals claim to represent when speaking on behalf of the ANCYL.

The media often either deliberately or accidently accepts commentary on behalf of the ANCYL from strange and unknown individuals simply because of proximity, the NYTT condemns this behavior in the harshest terms possible. The ANC NYTT has registered the logo and name of the organization as trademarks which safeguards the logo and the of the organisation from abuse.

Issued by ANCYL NYTT, 13 May 2021