COSATU condemns Business Day article

Federation says there's not a word of truth in unsubstantiated report

COSATU corrects Business Day article

The Congress of South African Trade Unions condemns the article headed "Support growing for ‘Vavi replacement'" in Business Day on 7 September 2012 (see report).

There is not a word of truth in the completely unsubstantiated report -, which is not even attributed to an anonymous ‘source' but merely stated as a fact - that "meanwhile, the relationship between Mr Vavi and Cosatu president Sdumo Dlamini has been steadily degenerating, and he is among those who want Mr Vavi out."

The President has never expressed any such view and has consistently abided by the CEC decision not to engage in premature discussion of the forthcoming leadership election at the National Congress.

Statement issued by Patrick Craven, COSATU national spokesperson, September 7 2012

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