Dismissal of IEC staff members responsible for leaks welcomed – Committee

Chairperson stressed that the integrity of the electoral process must be protected and that the swift investigation necessary

Home Affairs chairperson welcomes dismissal of IEC staff members responsible for leaks

12 March 2024

The Chairperson of Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs, Mr Mosa Chabane, has welcomed the swift action by the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) in investigating the leaking of candidate lists. The implicated staff member has since been fired.
The Chairperson stressed that the integrity of the electoral process must be protected and that the swift investigation and decision to terminate the employee’s contract demonstrates the integrity of the institution. “We remain of the view that the IEC is a credible institution to run a free and fair process and that anything that endangers this process will be quickly investigated and concomitant action taken,” Mr Chabane said.
Beyond contravening the Protection of Personal Information Act, the unauthorised circulation of the lists undermined the clearly set out election timetable and processes of the 2024 provincial and national elections.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson has called on the IEC to strengthen its internal controls and to imprint on its staff members the need to conduct themselves ethically to protect the institution’s integrity. Despite the leak, Mr Chabane said that the IEC’s processes remain credible and that it has a proven track record for delivering on its mandate and promoting South Africa’s democratic order.
The committee will receive an update on the investigation that is still ongoing and the processes in place for the elections.    

Issued by Malatswo Molepo, Parliamentary Communication Services, 12 March 2024