GDID runs propaganda campaign to whitewash poor performance – Alan Fuchs

DA MPL says performance indicators show that dept only managed to complete 12% of its projects on time

GDID runs propaganda campaign to whitewash poor performance

4 May 2021

It is extremely concerning to note that the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development (GDID) has launched a propaganda campaign on social media in an attempt to whitewash its poor performance in terms of building social infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and libraries.

Performance indicators show that during the last financial year, the department only managed to complete 12% of its projects on time. In terms of cost, 60% of projects had cost more money than they should have, and value for money is a principle that is simply ignored.

Posts from the GDID’s Twitter account present the provincial government as “caring” and indicate that the department “strives” to complete projects in time and within budget. Striving and achieving objectives are two very different concepts.

If this government was indeed caring, it would appoint competent individuals to lead and manage government departments and not foist incompetent cadres on the citizens of Gauteng. Nor would it attempt to hide its failed projects.

These constant delays in completing projects deprives residents of services and the inability to complete projects within time and budget depletes an already constrained fiscus.

A caring government would have created a property management function to manage its R43 billion worth of fixed assets, but it has failed to do so which results in the deterioration and illegal use of its land and buildings.

A government which truly cares about the needs of the residents would take steps to cut down wastage and inefficiency in order to reduce the cost to the tax-payers of Gauteng. A simple step that the Premier could take is to allow departments to utilise the services of third-party infrastructure developers and not be forced to use the dysfunctional Department of Infrastructure Development. This would improve quality and value for money.

It is clear that the latest campaign by the GDID is just another way of fooling voters to gain votes ahead of the local government elections in October his year.

The DA will continue to put pressure on the GDID to ensure that competent staff are employed and that projects are managed properly, and that proper maintenance of government buildings take place. This is the only way we can ensure that services reach the people that deserves it and a positive impact in people’s lives is attained.

Issued by Alan Fuchs, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Infrastructure Development and Property Management, 4 May 2021