Jabulani Khumalo and his cronies denounced – MKP Youth

League says they only recognize Zuma as the rightful leader of the party

MK Party Youth vehemently denounces foolish Jabulani Khumalo and his ludicrous cronies

10 June 2024

The Umkhonto weSizwe Youth League abundantly and feverently denounces and rejects the statement by Jabulani Khumalo dated I O June 2024.

We as the Youth League stand firm in our rejection of this fly by night claiming to be the leader of the party. To be abundantly clear, we only recognise President Jacob G. Zuma as the only and rightful leader of the party.

His sell out attempts to hinder our ongoing revolution will not succeed, regardless of any support he may receive from those premature and dull witted funders of his.

His reckless actions and utterances are nothing but a distraction, plotted by him and his loose canon associates. We are still awaiting to hear as what contribution has he given to the emancipation and struggle of South Africa and her children.

Make no mistake, the uMkhonto weSizwe Youth League will always protect and stand firm in what's right and is for the greater good and that is President Zuma.

We, as the MKYL, have no place for treacherous and deceitful individuals who claim to be leaders of our party and yet they can easily sell for a fully specked Land Cruiser.

It would do Khumalo and his feebleminded handlers and supporters to stop their behaviour and let President Zuma continue to gallantly lead the Party towards the economic freedom of our lifetime.

Issued by Nkateko Mkhabela, Head of Communications & Media, MK Party, 10 June 2024