Job growth welcomed – ANC

Party says 42 000 new jobs in last quarter is a step in the right direction

ANC statement on the quarterly employment statistics

30 June 2022

The African National Congress (ANC) welcomes the announcement made earlier in the week by Statistics South Africa on the net jobs growth in South Africa that grew by 42 000 jobs in the last quarter.

The employment rate is perhaps the most important economic variable that is of policy concern to all South Africans. It is the apex measurement of labour market performance and an important indicator of economic participation and inclusion in South Africa. The labour market is the dominant way through which the vast majority of South Africans participate in the economy.

We welcome the further announcement about the additional jobs that were created over a year (between March 2021 and March 2022) which increased the total employment level in the economy by 200 000. These numbers imply that over the past year an additional 200 000 people started earning an income. This not only indicates the degree of economic inclusion; it also reflects the ability to tackle other maladies such as inequality and poverty. The current data is evidence that job creation is on the road to recovery, although the rate of current and future economic growth is insufficient to achieve our aim of reducing unemployment, poverty and inequality. We appreciate these developments.

We remain concemed about the reported job decreases in sectors such as trade (reflecting weakness in our supply chains), construction — given its linkages to infrastructure and transport sectors. The performance of these sectors has an important and differential impact on the employment rate. Our number one economic priority is to accelerate the pace of economic growth and job creation. This priority must shape all macroeconomic policies. We are fully aware that it is only through a sustained period of economic growth that South Africa will be able to significantly reduce unemployment and improve the lives of our people.

These numbers are also proof of the government's pledge, outlined in detail in the Economic Recovery and Reconstruction Plan, to move with speed in implementing the necessary policies to enable faster and more sustainable economic activity. A growth in jobs reflects these ambitions.

As the ANC, we are committed to making a number of decisive, pro-growth interventions to improve South Africa's jobs performance.

We urge govemment, working with social partners, to continuously put in place measures that will reignite growth and create jobs.

Through the compacting process, we urge social partners to urgently institute more effective and aggressive economic acceleration and transformation strategies that will drive job creation and help South Africa with efforts to attain the ultimate goal of full employment.

Issued by Pule Mabe, National Spokesperson, ANC, 30 June 2022