NLMs call for lifting of sanctions on Zimbabwe

Statement issued by the African National Congress November 25 2008


A number of former national liberation movements of Southern Africa met at the headquarters of the African National Congress in Johannesburg today (25 November 2008).

The organisations were Frelimo of Mozambique, MPLA of Angola, Chama Cha Mapinduzi of Tanzania, ZANU-PF of Zimbabwe, and ANC of South Africa.

This was a follow up to previous meetings of the former liberation movements, where it had been agreed to strengthen ties among the parties, and to develop common approaches to challenges facing our countries, the region and the continent.

The parties shared information on the current political and socio-economic environment in each of their countries, and discussed the global economic crisis, and the impact it was likely to have on the Southern African region.

The meeting agreed to hold such meetings as often as possible, but at least once a year. The Secretaries General of each party would be at the centre of planning for ongoing discussions.

Among other current matters, the meeting discussed the situation in Zimbabwe and raised concerns about the ongoing economic and humanitarian plight. The Parties called upon the leaders to find a speedy solution to the impasse. The Parties also made an appeal to the international community to lift sanctions, and assist in alleviating the plight of the Zimbabwean people.

The situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo was also discussed, and the meeting agreed that every effort should be made within the region and with the support of the international community to find lasting peace.

The meeting reaffirmed the need to develop a strong progressive movement in Southern Africa, with the former liberation movements at its core, to further advance the interests and aspirations of the peoples of this region.

Statement issued by the African National Congress November 25 2008