NUM rejects Lonmin's allegations

Union says company using membership rigging claims to harass its shop stewards

NUM rejects Lonmin statement

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) noted Lonmin 'statement about suspensions of eight shop stewards it accuses of submitting fraudulent membership forms (see report). The NUM perceives Lonmin 'statement as playing to the gallery and a reflection of sour grapes. The company bowed to pressure to have the NUM booted out of its offices at both Eastern and Western Platinum, a decision which the NUM successfully challenged at the Labour Court in Johannesburg.

NUM members are subjected to searches to ensure that none is carrying any weapon, a move the union supports. The searches have however showed to be one-sided, allowing others to bring weaponry and to attack the union 's members with no assistance to help those attacked from mine security.

For months on end, NUM members have complained that they have been made to join other unions without their knowledge which management found to be the truth . Whilst the so-called management has been aware who the culprits are, the company has not been able to bring any of them to a disciplinary hearing.

Our shop stewards are now harassed by the company under the pretext of rigging membership, an allegation which the NUM rejects with the contempt it deserves.

The NUM further rejects the notion of the company having to conduct its internal disciplinary hearings through the media, a practice which it subjects only to NUM members.

All these confirms our suspicions that companies such as Lonmin are in the country not to conduct business but to effect regime change.

Statement issued by Lesiba Seshoka, NUM national spokesperson, June 4 2013

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