Over R215m spent on preventing land invasions – DA WCape

Party says it is unfortunate that subnational govt must spend so much money on addressing such unlawful behaviour

WC spends over R215 million on preventing land invasions

15 September 2022

In a reply to a DA parliamentary question, Provincial Minister Tertuis Simmers revealed that the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements has spent over R215 million on security provisioning in significant housing projects across the Western Cape. Approximately, 1 061 government housing units could have been built with this money. 

In several communities across the province, the Provincial Government has invested millions of rands to protect government housing developments from land invasions and the hijacking of houses by non-beneficiaries. According to recent information from the Provincial Department of Human Settlements, 214 housing units in the Western Cape have recently been occupied unlawfully. 

MPP Matlhodi Maseko says: “It is unfortunate that subnational government must now spend millions on addressing the unlawful behaviour of land invasions. These funds could have been used to build even more housing alternatives and bring dignity to the vulnerable. While the measures to prevent land invasions are crucial, it has come at a high cost and compromises the Provincial Government's already limited delivery budget.

The fault for continued land invasions should be laid squarely at the feet of the ANC National Government, which prevented evictions during the height of lockdown by protecting unlawful land occupiers. The consequences of this have been severe as non-beneficiaries have jumped the queue on housing lists or have illegally occupied newly built units ahead of long-deserving residents, causing delays in important housing and infrastructure projects.”  

Municipalities in the Western Cape and the Provincial Government have now decided to adopt a new, comprehensive approach to the issues caused by the unlawful occupation of land. According to Minister Simmers, the land invasion approach will offer the necessary strategic alignment and direction required for engagement by all spheres of government. 

Issued by Matlhodi Maseko, DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Human Settlements, 15 September 2022