Cyril's bogus employment promises have been exposed - EFF

Fighters say the new dawn has failed drastically to develop any practical and believable plans to create jobs

EFF statement on unemployment crisis facing youth of SA

30 November 2021

The EFF notes the unemployment crisis reported by the Stats SA in the latest quarter three labour force survey. According to the latest quarterly labour force survey, more than 17.8 million people are not economically active, and 7,6 million are actively looking for work but cannot find work. More than 660 000 lost their jobs between the second and third quarter. In addition, the number of discouraged people who have given up on looking for work has increased by half a million. According to the expanded definition, this is evident as the number of unemployed people has now climbed over 12 million.

The current unemployment crisis affects young people and women the most, as millions have lost all hope in ever finding jobs. In South Africa, many young people go for more than a year and even five years without employment or a source of income. According to the latest report, more than 55 per cent of people between the age of 25 and 34 years are unemployed. These are young people who are supposed to be in transition from entry jobs to stable middle-professional jobs. Also, these are the very same people who should form part of the core basis of taxpayers; instead, they are dependent on government grants for survival, and some end up involved in crime.

The released figures show clearly that celebrated second-quarter GDP figures that showed growth in the GDP were not a recovery of the economy. These unemployment figures, particularly the number of discouraged workers, clearly indicate that the much celebrate new dawn is a fraud. Our people were promised millions of jobs at bogus investments summit used to arrange deals to privatise South Africa's strategic assets.

The reality is that the new dawn has failed drastically to develop any practical and believable plans to create jobs. Yet, we continue to be told that Cyril Ramaphosa presidency is reviving the economy. The unemployment crisis must be placed squarely at the mismanagement of the economy by Ramaphosa and the ruling party.

The EFF has long warned South Africans that the continued misguided excitement of austerity and privatisation of strategic public assets that have occupied government will not create jobs or grow the economy in a meaningful way. Instead, all we will see is raising numbers of poverty, unemployment, and inequalities.

The July civil unrest showed that our people are desperate and will do anything to put food on the table, including vandalising properties. As we have previously stated, the only way South Africa will get out of the unemployment crisis is a clear and practical economic plan centred on localisation and municipal centred economic growth that will build state capacity.

Issued by EFF, 30 November 2021