Pistorius family distances itself from Henke's remarks

Spokesperson says father's remarks to Daily Telegraph don't reflect views of son


South Africa, Pretoria, March 4 2013

Oscar Pistorius's family is deeply concerned about the comments made by Oscar's father, Henke Pistorius, to UK newspaper the Telegraph about the family using its weapons to defend themselves against crime in South Africa, and especially about his comments that the ANC government is not willing to protect white South Africans.

"The Pistorius family own weapons purely for sport and hunting purposes," said Arnold Pistorius, family spokesperson.

Oscar and the rest of the Pistorius family distances itself from the comments. "Henke's interview with the newspaper was unapproved by our media liaison team" Pistorius  said.  "The comments doesn't represent the views of Oscar or the rest of the Pistorius family."

"We are acutely aware of the fact that we are only at the beginning of a long road to prove that what happened to Reeva Steenkamp was a terrible accident and that Oscar  never intended to harm her, let alone cause her death.

"As a family, and Oscar in particular, we will never be the same after the tragic events on 14 February this year. We are still in deep mourning, trying to come to terms with what happened. For this reason and out of respect for the Steenkamp family, the Pistorius family will not grant any media interviews at this time" Arnold Pistorius said.

For daily updates and statements, please visit the following website: www.oscarpistorius.com

Statement issued by Vuma Reputation Management, March 4 2013

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