PP report highlights ANC govt’s lack of care for rural communities – ActionSA ECape

Report uncovers the distressing reality of service delivery failures in rural communities

Public Protector report highlights ANC government failures and lack of care for rural communities

24 October 2023

ActionSA notes the unsurprising, yet deeply concerning, findings of the recent report by the Public Protector report into the provision of essential services and infrastructure in the Eastern Cape. This report uncovers the distressing reality of service delivery failures in rural communities of the Eastern Cape. These failures are the result of the ANC provincial government's lack of care and the blatant disregard for the well-being of the province's rural residents which is the reason for the current acceleration of desperate urbanisation.

Policing Services in Eastern Cape Villages

The report's findings regarding the provision of policing services by the South African Police Service (SAPS) in Eastern Cape villages are deeply troubling. ActionSA has long since identified the important role that the SAPS is supposed to play in safeguarding all communities in the province and that rural communities are especially neglected and critically vulnerable to rampant and escalating crime.

The report underscores the alarming challenges faced by certain police stations in the Eastern Cape. These challenges, include infrastructure issues, resource shortages, and staffing problems which severely hinder the efficient delivery of police services. While some improvements have been noted, significant obstacles remain in addressing these fundamental issues and the fact that the Eastern Cape now tops various crime indicator categories is a sad reflection of the state of policing in the province.

Healthcare Services in the Eastern Cape

ActionSA is particularly deeply concerned about the state of healthcare services in the Eastern Cape, as outlined in the report. The report acknowledges some efforts made by the Eastern Cape Department of Health (ECDoH) in renovating and upgrading healthcare infrastructure and facilities. However, the substantial backlog in infrastructure development, repair of structural defects, and the upgrading of existing facilities remains a critical issue.

The Constitution is unambiguous about what is expected as far as health care provision is concerned, and clearly demands immediate steps toward the realisation of the right to primary healthcare of all citizens. The report highlights the dire consequences of poor contract management and numerous of contract terminations, coupled with staff shortages. These issues negatively affect the progressive delivery of expected healthcare services in the Eastern Cape.

Inadequate Water Supply and Sanitation Services in Eastern Cape Municipalities

ActionSA notes with grave concern the findings regarding the provision of water supply and sanitation services which refers to certain villages of the Chris Hani District Municipality (CHDM) in the Eastern Cape. While the report might note that the CHDM has been striving within its means to address service delivery issues, it is evident that the provincial government's role and responsibility in this matter has been far from adequate. The Public Protector’s investigation has unveiled grave shortcomings that have resulted from a lack of timely, comprehensive, and effective action. These findings make reference to one district in the province when in fact these travails affect all the districts including the two metro’s in the province and ActionSA believes that the report is completely deficient in this regard.

Areas of concern include inadequate access to clean water and proper sanitation. The CHDM is grappling with issues related to aging water infrastructure and poor maintenance. These issues have persisted for years, resulting in severe deficiencies in the quality of water services to communities. It is apparent that these problems directly contravene the standards imposed by the Constitution and accompanying legislation.

Based on the available evidence, the Public Protector’s report has concluded that there is inadequate delivery of water supply by CHDM, which prejudices the community members within its district. This service deficiency, in significant part, can be attributed to the provincial government's failure to provide adequate support, oversight, and resources.

The provincial government's inadequacy in addressing these issues has resulted in numerous inadequacies:

Households without access to clean water, forcing residents to purchase water.

Dry taps in certain areas, compelling residents to fetch water from alternative sources.

Water challenges stemming from aging water infrastructure in multiple local municipalities.

This dire situation has resulted in a backlog for both water supply and sanitation services, lasting for years and primarily attributed to funding constraints, which the provincial government must address effectively.

ActionSA stresses that it is the legislative and constitutional responsibility of the provincial government, as well as CHDM and all other regions of the province to provide municipal services progressively and sustainably to all communities. The provincial government must allocate sufficient resources and adequate support to ensure that CHDM and the other regions can fulfil their obligations effectively, which is a vital aspect of public service. We call on the Municipal Managers of both Metro’s, all the district municipalities and local municipalities to not only undertake an assessment to determine the basic municipal service requirements, but we also call on the provincial government to allocate the necessary funding and resources to meet these requirements. The provincial government's negligence in this matter has poses a serious health risk to all the communities of this province and contravenes various legislative obligations.

The Premier for the Eastern Cape Province, Oscar Mabuyane, should exercise executive oversight, not just in monitoring progress but in providing the necessary support and resources to CHDM and other districts. This matter is not solely CHDM's responsibility but a shared duty between the local and provincial governments. The provincial government must request reports from departments and municipalities involved in procuring services that were subsequently cancelled or terminated. These reports should contain essential details to ensure accountability and transparency in the procurement and service delivery process.

ActionSA reiterates its commitment to serving the people, but it also calls on the provincial government to uphold its responsibilities effectively. Rural communities in the Eastern Cape deserve better, and ActionSA stands ready to champion their rights and well-being. It is our firm belief that every citizen, regardless of their location, deserves equitable access to essential services. The provincial government must take urgent and comprehensive action to rectify the issues raised in this report by the public protector.

Issued by Athol Trollip, ActionSA Eastern Cape Provincial Chairperson, 24 October 2023