Ramaphosa opposes Solidarity’s NHI court application

Movement says a similar notice of opposition has also been received from Minister of Health

Pres. Ramaphosa opposes Solidarity’s NHI court application 

11 June 2024

While talks on a government of national unity (GNU) are ongoing, Pres. Cyril has officially given notice that he would oppose Solidarity’s court application against the National Health Insurance Act. A similar notice of opposition has also been received from the Minister of Health. 

“The court battle is now fully underway. While the ANC is in talks about a GNU, the president has shown his hand as far as the NHI is concerned. Numerous political parties have indicated that the scrapping of, or at least drastic amendments to the NHI, is a precondition for participation in coalitions and a government of national unity,” Anton van der Bijl, Solidarity chief executive said.

According to him, dialogue about a GNU is now at risk as a result of the government’s defending the NHI, knowing full well that there is serious resistance to it. 

On 24 May Solidarity served its court papers on the government, and at an NHI crisis summit also called on various political parties and pressure groups to support each other’s actions against the NHI Act, be it through litigation, political processes or civil pressure.

Solidarity calls on parties involved in the GNU talks to oppose the NHI and to pressure Pres. Ramaphosa to not proceed with the NHI. Even his own voters have rejected it. 

Solidarity and numerous political parties and pressure groups believe the NHI to be unconstitutional as well as being unworkable and unaffordable.

Solidarity will challenge the NHI all the way to the highest court because the NHI is totally irrational. It deprives healthcare workers as well as healthcare users of choice.

The contradiction embodied in the idea of an NHI is the fact that it would lead to less access to quality healthcare in South Africa and not to more access to it as the government professes it to be the case. Click here for the document.

Issued by Anton van der Bijl, Deputy Chief Executive: Legal Matters, 11 June 2024