Ready for class action lawsuit to stop NHI – AfriForum

If head of govt is willing to ratify a new law, he is supposed to be informed enough to defend his decision in public

AfriForum ready for class action lawsuit to stop NHI

15 May 2024  

AfriForum is preparing for a class action lawsuit against the government, President Cyril Ramaphosa, the parliament and the Minister of Health, Joe Phaahla, for the damage that South Africans will suffer under the unaffordable National Health Insurance (NHI) policy. AfriForum confirmed this in a legal letter that was handed over at the Union Building.

AfriForum will also issue a summons together with an interim application for the setting aside of the implementation of the law, pending the completion of the class action lawsuit.

According to Louis Boshoff, Campaign Officer at AfriForum, the aim of the court case is to stop NHI and also force those responsible for this destructive policy to bear the consequences of their ill-considered actions.

Boshoff also expressed his disappointment that Ramaphosa did not speak to the media himself. “If the head of government is willing to ratify a new law, he is supposed to be well informed enough to defend his decision in public. Yet Ramaphosa is not up to it.”

Issued by Louis Boshoff, Campaign Officer, AfriForum, 15 May 2024