SAA reliant on labour brokers - DA

Manny de Freitas says use of such firms illustrates contradictions in ANC policy

SAA use of labour brokers illustrates contradictions in ANC labour policy

In response to a parliamentary question from the DA, the Department of Public Enterprises has revealed that South African Airlines (SAA) uses the services of no less than nine labour broking firms to supplement its staff component. The practice of the SAA - a State Owned Enterprise (SOE) - blatantly contradicts the ANC government's stance on labour brokers, as voiced by the Minister of Labour.

An extract from the answer from the Minister of Public Enterprises reads:

"Temporary Labour is used for projects during peak periods and festive seasons. Temporary Labour is also utilised as part of the flexible workforce model as this model has proven to be more cost effective at Cargo and Technical and gives SAA the flexibility to optimise its workforce utilization in order to meet operational needs."

This admission stands in stark contrast to the position of the ANC during recent public hearings on the regulation of labour brokers, where committee chairperson, Lumka Yengeni stated that labour brokers are "slave traders" and "human traffickers". This uninformed view has been repeated by the Minister of Labour, Membathisi Mdladlana. Not only is this view hopelessly misguided, but given the reply from the Minister of Public Enterprises, it highlights just how incoherent and contradictory ANC economic policy is - once again, the left hand doesn't know what the far left hand is doing!

Clearly, the ANC is set on destroying the labour broking industry - but the reply from the Department of Public Enterprises shows that the ANC government in fact needs the services of labour brokers in order to function. This only illustrates the total lack of understanding of the scope and role of labour brokers among the ANC ranks.

It is certain that many abuses take place within the labour broking industry - however, the stock standard response of Mdladlana and his ilk has been to demonise labour brokers without first checking his facts. This information will now force him and the rest of the ANC to come to terms with the reality of labour brokers and the labour market.

To this end, the DA will be asking parliamentary questions to each government department and each SOE in order to ascertain the extent of their use of labour brokers.

Mr M S F de Freitas (DA) to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises:

Whether the SA Airways uses labour brokers; if not, why not; if so, (a) which labour brokers are used and (b) why? NW697E


(a) South African Airways (SAA) currently utilizes the following Labour Brokers/Recruitment Agencies:

  • Adcorp
  • Mbeva
  •  NT Ngidi
  •  Phumelelo
  •  Massador
  •  Skills Outsourcing
  •  ITP
  •  Kelly
  •  Profile Placements

(b)Temporary Labour is used for projects during peak periods and festive seasons. Temporary Labour is also utilized as part of the flexible workforce model as this model has proven to be more cost effective at Cargo and Technical and gives SAA the flexibility to optimize its workforce utilization in order to meet operational needs.

NB: A tender process for the provision of temporary and permanent staff for SAA was recently finalised, but until the respective contracts are finalized, SAA is still utilising the services of the current preferred suppliers as listed above.

Statement issued by Manny de Freitas, MP, Democratic Alliance deputy shadow minister of transport, September 1 2009

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