Solidarity in court with Denel contempt of court case

SOE has not complied with court order to pay all salaries that are in arrears

Solidarity in court with Denel contempt of court case

27 January 2021

Solidarity’s case against Denel regarding contempt of court will be heard in the Labour Court tomorrow. Solidarity will argue the case on behalf of its members whose salary payments are in arrears and who have not yet received their full payment from Denel.

“The court order that Denel must pay all salaries that are in arrears was obtained in August. However, Denel has not complied with the court order and is still withholding some of these payments,” said HelgardCronjé, deputy general secretary at Solidarity. “Poor performance and mismanagement are the order of the day, and ordinary workers at Denel are suffering because of this.”

According to Solidarity, Denel is continuing to drag its feet and to undermine the authority of the court by not complying with the order. “We feel sorry for the innocent workers of Denel who are still affected by this. We will continue the fight so that they may get what is due to them,” Cronjé concluded.

Issued by Helgard Cronjé, Deputy General Secretary: Public Sector, 27 January 2021