State of Autopax concerning – NUMSA

Union says workers have still only received 50% of their salary

NUMSA remains concerned about Autopax

28 January 2020

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) met with the management of Autopax yesterday to deal with the fact that workers have only received 50% of their salary. The management confirmed that the balance of the salaries would be paid today and tomorrow (Wednesday the 29th of January 2020). 

However, we remain concerned about the state of Autopax and also by extension the parent company PRASA. At the meeting the management made the very same promises which they had made last year to deal with the problems. They tried to assure us that PRASA would manage payroll for Autopax and that there is a plan to bring stability to the entity.

The management says it is working hard to resolve the problem, but we are doubtful because of past experience. This is not the first time salaries have been delayed and this has created a lot of anxiety amongst employees. We are not yet filled with a sense of confidence regarding the situation at Autopax. Our members have raised the issue of mismanagement and corruption for years and yet PRASA and the Transport ministry has taken far too long to take our concerns seriously and to act on them.

Furthermore, PRASA has been placed under administration which means that any solution to this problem hinges also on a successful turnaround strategy for PRASA. The minister of transport will have to play a crucial role in finding a permanent long term solution to this crisis.

As NUMSA we will ensure that we continue to look out for the interests of workers. A follow-up meeting has been scheduled with the PRASA Administrator today to deal with some of these issues.

Aluta continua!

The struggle continues!

Issued by Phakamile Hlubi-Majola, NUMSA National Spokesperson, 28 January 2020