Violence and looting deeply concerning – Minerals Council

Council supports appropriate government response

Minerals Council strongly condemns violence and looting and deeply concerned about the loss of life. Supports appropriate government response.

14 July 2021

The Minerals Council South Africa condemns the acts of violence and looting that have been spreading through various parts of the country, particularly KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. We are deeply concerned about the loss of life. The destruction of assets and the consequent impact on livelihoods will have devastating consequences, as will the interruption of our hard-won vaccination roll-out. And the images of mayhem playing across screens in South Africa and abroad will have a lasting impact in discouraging investment.

The industry supports the deployment of military resources, but cautions that this be done in line with basic human rights standards, including the minimum use of force. It is also critical that key infrastructure be protected – particularly power, telecommunications, water, road and rail - and all that is required to ensure food security and the recovery of the economy.
As business, we commit to working with social partners in government, organised labour and civil society to help restore law and order, which is the foundation of a constitutional democracy.

Issued by Charmane Russell & Alan Fine on behalf of Minerals Council, 14 July 2021